Funding to study, work, and volunteer abroad during your studies
Details of funding opportunities for working abroad during your studies.
Primary page content
You can apply for funding to complete a short work, volunteer, or study abroad placement over your summer holidays. Find a placement that suits you and meets the following criteria:
- The placement must be hosted by an organisation
- It should include a structured programme of activity
- It should be relevant to your degree or future career
- The placement has to take place outside of the UK
Common placements include international volunteering, teaching abroad, language courses, summer schools, training courses, or completing work experience. Check out our International Placement page for tips on how to find a placement and the Go Abroad blog page to read past students’ experiences.
This funding could also be used to support credit-bearing work placement modules.
Placements can take place worldwide
International students are not able to receive funding for a placement in their home country.
Who can apply
All full time and part-time undergraduate and postgraduate students can apply. The opportunity must be outside of term-time, at least two weeks long, and completed by 31 August 2025.
You must be in good academic standing and must not be in debt to Goldsmiths. We will prioritise students who have not received Goldsmiths funding previously as well as continuing undergraduate students.
I would tell other students at Goldsmiths who are thinking of attending a programme in another country to just go for it. The Go Abroad scheme gives disadvantaged students a wonderful opportunity to experience other cultures and institutions, as well as the chance to gain invaluable skills that will complement your academic profile.
Nicola McEvoy, BA Fine Art and History of Art
How to apply
Applications for summer 2025 are now open and will close 5 March.
Once the deadline has passed the Global Opportunities team will convene a panel who will review all applications. The panel will consider:
- Eligibility of the placement
- Motivation for the visit and relevance to your studies and/or future career
- No previous experience in the receiving country (e.g. not returning to a country of origin)
- Ability to represent Goldsmiths favourably.
If you are selected, you will have to complete a series of paperwork to secure the funding. The Global Opportunities team will lead you through this.
Once your application is approved you will be asked to sign a grant agreement to receive your funding. This document confirms the total grant, dates of the mobility, and payment terms. You will receive 80% of the grant before your placement and the remaining 20% upon completion of your placement and of all paperwork.
If your funding application is successful, you will be notified and informed of the specific funding amount you will receive.
The Turing scheme has additional funds available for students with a disadvantaged background. This includes:
- Students who have a household income of £25,000 or less.
- Students in receipt of Universal Credit (or other income-related benefits)
- Students with caring responsibilities
- Estranged students
- Refugee and asylum seeker students
- Mature students (who began their undergraduate degree over 21 years of age)
- Students who are the first in their family to go to university
- Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students
- Disabled students
Funding for these students is to cover costs of additional travel expenses including visas, passports, and health insurance to reduce the challenging costs faced with travelling. These students are also eligible for an additional £110 top-up per month.
Disabled students can also have 100% of actual costs directly related to their additional needs funded. This includes covering any preparatory visits to ensure and evaluate access at the host organisation. If you are interested in requesting this funding, please do get in touch with us as soon as you apply.
Please note you may receive your grant after you have had to pay for your placement. Please let us know if this is an issue and we may be able to contact your placement provider.
Gold Award
To further enhance your experience, you could use your international placement as the main activity towards your Gold Award.
Participating in the placement and attending the pre-departure and reflection sessions would contribute towards achieving the award. Visit the Gold Award page for more information.