Support before you go

There will be lots of preparation before you go abroad, including a mandatory pre-departure briefing session to help you get the most out of the experience.

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The Global Opportunities team are your first point of contact in the lead up to going as well as while you're away.

We will guide you through the paperwork, and help you prepare for your adventure abroad by providing friendly pastoral and practical support. All students must attend a mandatory pre-departure briefing. This will cover guidance on travel planning, how to complete your documentation and tips on how to integrate upon arrival. We also have a handbook which provides additional advice.


Homesickness and nerves are inevitable when you first go abroad. It is important you consider reaching out to the Wellbeing team here at Goldsmiths before you go; the earlier, the better. If you have any existing mental health issues, it is more so important you speak to the Wellbeing team before you go abroad. They will be available to you while you are abroad, also.

Another thing to do before you leave is to establish what support your host has in place that you can access during your time abroad.

Important contacts:

  • Samaritans – available 24/7 at or call 116 123
  • Student Minds – can be contacted via or at 0113 343 8440
  • Mind – at or call 0300 123 3393
  • CALM who provide listening services, information, and support for anyone who needs to talk – 0800 58 58 58
  • Switchboard provide listening services, information, and support for LGBT – 0300 330 0630
  • NHS – 111 for non-emergency medical help
  • Emergency services – call 999

Additional support requirements

If you have additional support requirements you can discuss these with us prior to departure so we can help you to put appropriate adjustments in place. The Disability and Inclusion Service can provide support on how to manage your disability while abroad, and can advise on adjustments that may be needed. They can be contacted on disability (


If you successfully apply for funding for a Go Abroad opportunity you will be required to complete a grant agreement and share your bank details prior to departure. Once your paperwork is complete and our travel has been approved we will pay a portion of your grant (normally 80%) upfront. You will receive the remainder upon completion of your placement.

Whether you successfully gain Goldsmiths or external funding, budgeting is crucial. Going abroad has expenses beyond a plane, train or bus ride: accommodation fees, insurance, call, text and data costs, and daily living expenses. There are free budgeting apps available, as well as Blackbullion. All Goldsmiths students can make an account for free to manage their money.

International Liaison Officer

Every department has an International Liaison Officer (ILO) who helps support students studying abroad.

The ILO in your department will help you choose the right modules at your host university, and ensure that you will be taking the right amount of credits. They will also sign off your Learning Agreement.

If you have any academic concerns or issues while on your placement, or if you want to change modules, your ILO will be able to help. You can find their contact details below. 

They may also check in with you while you're away.

DepartmentNameEmail (
Anthropology Emma Abotsi e.abotsi
Art Bernard Walsh b.walsh
Computing Frederic Leymarie f.leymarie
CALL Marl’ene Edwin m.edwin 
Design Stuart Bannocks s.bannocks
Educational Studies Betty Liebovich b.liebovich
English Caroline Blinder c.blinder
History Erica Wald e.wald
ICCE Paul Yuille p.yuille
IMS Brian Cepparulo b.cepparulo
MCCS  Kathryn Higgins k.higgins
Music Naomi Matsumoto n.matsumoto
Politics  Simon Griffiths s.griffiths
Psychology Andrew Cooper a.cooper
Sociology Alex Rhys-Taylor a.rhystaylor
STaCS Adam Dinham a.dinham
Theatre and Performance Ben Levitas b.levitas
Visual Cultures Anthony Faramelli a.faramelli


Careers team

If you are going abroad to work, then the Goldsmiths Careers team may be able to support prior to leaving. You can book an appointment online through CareerSPACE.

You might also want to consider combining your international experience with the Gold Award. Go Abroad placements and the briefings you are required to attend can all contribute to the achievement of the award.