BA (Hons)
Diverse Dance Styles

The BA (Hons) Diverse Dance Styles is a unique programme and the only one of its kind in the UK to present the four genres of African, Caribbean, contemporary dance and hip hop equally. 

Validated by Goldsmiths, and taught by IRIE! dance theatre, the degree is based at the home of the latter: the Moonshot Centre in New Cross.

Why study BA Diverse Dance Styles

The programme is specially designed to give you the chance to join a creative community that includes: 

  • IRIE! dance theatre performance company – the industry link with a dance company adds an exciting dimension through work placements and the development of career pathways
  • Independent artists honing their professional practice who will guide you and give you the confidence to network and present yourself to your audience
  • A community engagement and education programme with opportunities to volunteer and become involved with a wide range of projects and activities 

The degree provides a solid foundation in dance technique in the four genres, and progressively builds throughout the course, giving opportunities for performance and the development of your own choreographic language. The BA is practically based (weighted at 70% practical content), with theory integrated into practice as you research selected dance material and study the cultural context of each form. 

Year 3 is an employment year where you will engage with teaching, administration and performance options through the vehicle of Connectingvibes* Touring Dance Company. During Year 3 you will complete an Independent Project that is designed to aid your career development.

Students are able to audition for Year 3 independently in order to top up their degree.


Year 1

  • Contemporary Dance Technique 1 and 2
  • African and Caribbean dance Technique 1 and 2
  • Hip Hop Dance Styles
  • Choreographic Practice 1 and 2

Year 2

  • Contemporary Dance Technique and Repertory
  • African and Caribbean Dance Technique and Repertory
  • Contemporary Dance Performance
  • African and Caribbean Dance Performance
  • Afro-Fusion Dance Styles
  • Choeographic Fusion
  • Site-Specific Performance

Year 3

  • Dance Technique: Fusion
  • Independent Project


  • Dance Repertory
  • Dance Performance
  • Teaching: Creative Planning
  • Teaching: Creative Delivery
  • The Foundation of Arts Management
  • Arts Management: Linking with Industry

Entry requirements

Please visit the IRIE! website for information about entry requirements.

Please note that this programme is not able to sponsor students for an international student visa.


You will be invited to an audition workshop where you will take part in a fusion of African, Caribbean, contemporary dance and hip hop alongside a creative workshop and an interview. You will not be expected to have experience in all four genres, but we will be looking for you to demonstrate commitment and potential to study diverse dance forms. We will consider non-standard qualifications, or the work or life experience of applicants on an individual basis.



Phone: 020 8691 6099

Top image by Beth McInnes