- Marx 1845 or the Fateful Rejection of Anschauung Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2019. Marx 1845 or the Fateful Rejection of Anschauung. CR: The New Centennial Review, 18(3), pp. 73-96. ISSN 1539-6630
- The Birth of Language or the Necessity of Rule Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2018. The Birth of Language or the Necessity of Rule. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 81(3), pp. 413-424. ISSN 0041-977X
- Edging Disciplines Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2017. Edging Disciplines. Journal of Curatorial Studies, 6(2), pp. 221-229. ISSN 2045-5836
- Time Unshackled Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2017. Time Unshackled. New Formations, 92, pp. 11-24. ISSN 0950-2378
- Between Earth and Sky Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2016. Between Earth and Sky. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, 24(1), pp. 25-44. ISSN 1936-6280
- The Equivocal Concept: The Work of Bourahima Ouattara Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2015. The Equivocal Concept: The Work of Bourahima Ouattara. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 18(2-3), pp. 339-358. ISSN 1936-6280
- Valentin Mudimbe or the Work of Invention Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2012. Valentin Mudimbe or the Work of Invention. Darkmatter, 8, pp. 1-4. ISSN 2041-3254
- Between Freedoms: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Haunting Categorical Imperative Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2011. Between Freedoms: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Haunting Categorical Imperative. Mono Kurgusuz Labirent(10-11), ISSN 1306-715X
- Switzerland: Joanna Hodge’s Derrida on Time Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2008. Switzerland: Joanna Hodge’s Derrida on Time. Radical Philosophy(149), pp. 62-64. ISSN 0300-211X
- Museum, Plasticity, Temporality Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2006. Museum, Plasticity, Temporality. Museum Management and Curatorship, 21(2), pp. 157-167. ISSN 0964-7775
- Strategies of (In)visibility Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2005. Strategies of (In)visibility. Republicart - EIPCP Web Journal, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1811-1696
Dr Jean-Paul Martinon
Jean-Paul explores questions of time and museology in intercultural philosophies.
Staff details
Jean-Paul Martinon is a writer based in London. He writes in an attempt to make sense of time: its staging in museums, its advent, its gender, its neglect, and the way it is used and abused to structure human life. His research focuses primarily on contemporary continental philosophy with a particular interest in the work of Spinoza, Levinas, Nancy, Chalier, Kagame, Mudimbe, and Meillassoux.
Academic qualifications
- PhD University of Reading 2001
Teaching and supervision
His teaching covers a number of topics such as time and history, art and ethics, curating and the curatorial, as well as African thought. He co-founded the PhD Curatorial / Knowledge Programme. He welcomes proposals for research on any aspect of contemporary culture with a preference for proposals that articulates their project through continental philosophy.
- VC53134B: The Time Between Us
- VC71120A: MA Core Course C - Every Now & Then: Time & History
Research interests
Jean-Paul has written monographs on a Victorian workhouse (Swelling Grounds, Rear Window, 1995), the idea of the future in the work of Derrida, Malabou and Nancy (On Futurity, Palgrave, 2007), the temporal dimension of masculinity (The End of Man, Punctum, 2013), the concept of peace after the Rwandan genocide (After “Rwanda,” Rodopi, 2013), and how curating can be a form of ethics (Curating as Ethics, Minnesota, 2021). He is also the editor of The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating (Bloomsbury, 2014). He is currently working on two book projects: one on Pyrrho exploring an alternative to time as measurement (Time as Air or Pyrrho's Turbulent Reality, forthcoming) and one on Spinoza exploring the task of emending both mind and body (Spinoza: Journal of an Emendation, forthcoming).
Publications and research outputs
- On Pyrrho and Time Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2024. On Pyrrho and Time. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031676192
- Visual Cultures as World-Forming Martinon, Jean-Paul and Madani, Adnan. 2024. Visual Cultures as World-Forming. Berlin: Sternberg Press. ISBN 9783956795374
- Curating as Ethics Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2020. Curating as Ethics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 9781517908652
Edited Book
- The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating Martinon, Jean-Paul, ed. 2013. The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating. London: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472525604
Edited Journal
- Curating Ethics Martinon, Jean-Paul, ed. 2021. Curating Ethics, Philosophies, . 2409-9287
Book Section
- Alexis Kagame Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2021. Alexis Kagame. In: Eugene O’Brien, ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Afterword: Respect for Derrida in/and Africa Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2020. Afterword: Respect for Derrida in/and Africa. In: Grant Farred, ed. Derrida and Africa: Jacques Derrida as a Figure for African Thought. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, pp. 85-93. ISBN 9781498581899
- Im-mundus or Nancy’s Globalising-World-Formation Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2015. Im-mundus or Nancy’s Globalising-World-Formation. In: Sanja Dejanovic, ed. Nancy and the Political. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 219-244. ISBN 9780748683185
- The Museum's Fourth Future Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2023. The Museum's Fourth Future. Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture, 7(1), pp. 103-124. ISSN 2544-302X
- Curators Serving the Public Good Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2021. Curators Serving the Public Good. Philosophies, 6, 28. ISSN 2409-9287
- Race and Universality: Meillassoux Meets Eze and Wiredu Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2019. Race and Universality: Meillassoux Meets Eze and Wiredu. Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, 30, pp. 49-71. ISSN 1367-3769
Conference or Workshop Item
- A Fearless Look at the Unspeakable: Visual Cultures Public Programme Sping Term 2018 Andrews, Jorella G. and Martinon, Jean-Paul. 2018. 'A Fearless Look at the Unspeakable: Visual Cultures Public Programme Sping Term 2018'. In: Visual Cultures Public Programme. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom Jan-Feb 2018.