- Secrets and Lies: Embassytown, Ethics and Eating in the Darkness Turner, Lynn. 2023. Secrets and Lies: Embassytown, Ethics and Eating in the Darkness. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction, 52(2), pp. 47-63. ISSN 0306-4964
- How like a (Fig) Leaf: supplanting shame, growing differences Turner, Lynn. 2021. How like a (Fig) Leaf: supplanting shame, growing differences. Tahiti: The Society for Art History in Finland, 10(4), pp. 18-27.
- Telegrams Turner, Lynn. 2020. Telegrams. Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal, 53.2, pp. 83-95.
- Interviewee: Lynn Turner. Interviewer: Ron Broglio Turner, Lynn. 2016. Interviewee: Lynn Turner. Interviewer: Ron Broglio. Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture(38), pp. 30-36. ISSN 1756-9575
- Telefoam: species on the shores of Derrida and Cixous Turner, Lynn. 2014. Telefoam: species on the shores of Derrida and Cixous. European Journal of English Studies, 18(2), pp. 158-171. ISSN 1382-5577
- Animal & Sexual Differences: Kelly Oliver’s Continental Bestiary Turner, Lynn. 2013. Animal & Sexual Differences: Kelly Oliver’s Continental Bestiary. Body & Society, 19(4), pp. 1-14.
- Tympan Alley: Posthumanist Performatives in Dancer in the Dark Turner, Lynn. 2013. Tympan Alley: Posthumanist Performatives in Dancer in the Dark. Derrida Today, 6(2), pp. 222-239. ISSN 1754-8500
- Hors d’oeuvre: some footnotes to the Spurs of Dorothy Cross Turner, Lynn. 2013. Hors d’oeuvre: some footnotes to the Spurs of Dorothy Cross. Parallax, 19(1), pp. 3-11. ISSN 1353-4645
- amuse gueule 'Bon Appetit' Turner, Lynn and Kelley, Lindsay. 2013. amuse gueule 'Bon Appetit'. Parallax, 19(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN 1353-4645
- Unhoming Pigeons: The Postal Principle in Lynn Hershman Leeson and Hussein Chalayan Turner, Lynn. 2012. Unhoming Pigeons: The Postal Principle in Lynn Hershman Leeson and Hussein Chalayan. Derrida Today, 5(1), pp. 92-110. ISSN 1754-8500
- Animal transference: a "mole-like progression" in C. J. Cherryh Turner, Lynn. 2011. Animal transference: a "mole-like progression" in C. J. Cherryh. Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature, 44(3), pp. 163-175.
- When Species Kiss: some recent correspondence between animots Turner, Lynn. 2010. When Species Kiss: some recent correspondence between animots. Humanimalia – a journal of human/animal interface studies, 2(1), pp. 60-85. ISSN 2151-8645
- ‘stop looking for some single defining difference’: the ongoing Arkhe of Donna Haraway’ Turner, Lynn. 2008. ‘stop looking for some single defining difference’: the ongoing Arkhe of Donna Haraway’. Parallax, 14(3), pp. 142-145. ISSN 1353-4645
- Wind Up: the Machine-Event of Tape Turner, Lynn. 2007. Wind Up: the Machine-Event of Tape. Camera Obscura Feminism Culture and Media Studies, 22(164), pp. 112-135. ISSN 02705346
- Differential Vibrations: On Things that Go Buzz in the Night: For K.K, the girl next door Turner, Lynn. 2007. Differential Vibrations: On Things that Go Buzz in the Night: For K.K, the girl next door. The Journal of Visual Culture, 6(3), pp. 437-439.
- Braiding Polyphony: Je tu il elle (& lui) Turner, Lynn. 2003. Braiding Polyphony: Je tu il elle (& lui). Performance Research, 8(1), pp. 93-99. ISSN 13528165
- ‘Sexual Difference’ Turner, Lynn. 2003. ‘Sexual Difference’. The Year’s Work in Cultural & Critical Theory, 11, pp. 317-332.
- Translation Reading Sex Turner, Lynn. 2002. Translation Reading Sex. Parallax, 8(4), pp. 57-70. ISSN 13534645
- ‘Translating John Malkovich’ Turner, Lynn. 2002. ‘Translating John Malkovich’. Performance Research, 7(2), pp. 132-137. ISSN 1352-8165
- ‘Lift off: il n’y a pas de deux hors texte’ Turner, Lynn. 2002. ‘Lift off: il n’y a pas de deux hors texte’. The Journal of Visual Culture, 1(3), pp. 372-374. ISSN 14704129
- ‘Documentary Friction: Visual & Vocal Strategies in Surname Viet: Given Name Nam’ Turner, Lynn. 1997. ‘Documentary Friction: Visual & Vocal Strategies in Surname Viet: Given Name Nam’. Parallax, 1(3), pp. 81-93. ISSN 1353-4645
Dr Lynn Turner
Lynn explores how animal and sexual differences matter in visual and aural culture
Staff details
Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups
Lynn Turner’s research explores how animal and sexual differences matter in visual and aural culture through drawing on continental philosophy, literature and psychoanalysis.
She is the co-Head of Department of Visual Cultures 2022-2025.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Cultural Studies (University of Leeds) 2002
- MA Cultural Studies (University of Leeds 1995
- BA (Hons.) Fine Art (Newcastle Polytechnic - now the University of Northumbria) 1990
Teaching and supervision
As co-HoD, Lynn's teaching is restricted. This academic year she also co-leads the PhD in Visual Culture and convenes the associated seminars. She has taught modules on sexual poetics and the animal question in visual culture as well as contributing to core delivery on the history of art and visual culture.
Being part of the department’s research clusters on ‘Environmental Humanities and Ecologies,’ ‘Sexes, Genders, Genres,’ and ‘Philosophy, Critical and Visual Theory,’ Dr Lynn Turner currently supervises doctoral theses on: lubrication, surrogacy, breath, hysteria and yoga. She welcomes proposals for research on deconstruction; animal studies; plant studies; feminist philosophy; contemporary visual culture; aural culture particularly the voice/speech relation, and science fiction.
She has examined PhD theses at Goldsmiths, Westminster, the Courtauld, UCL, Cardiff, Kingston and Linköping (Sweden).
Research interests
She is the editor of Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-affection after Derrida (EUP, 2024); author of Poetics of Deconstruction: on the threshold of differences (Bloomsbury, 2020); co-editor, with Undine Sellbach and Ron Broglio, of The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies (EUP, 2018), editor of The Animal Question in Deconstruction (EUP, 2013), co-author, with Astrid Schmetterling, of Visual Cultures As... Recollection (Sternberg, 2013) and co-editor, with Lindsay Kelley, of a special issue of parallax called 'bon appetit,' (2013).
Lynn is developing a further monograph with the working title of Consanguineous: essays on art, literature and the living, and would love to have the research time for another book between botany, art history, theology and philosophy on fig leaves.
She is one of the assistant editors of Derrida Today and sits on the board of several book series as well as Goldsmiths Press.
Featured publications
Grants and awards
2007: AHRC Research Leave Scheme
2010: BA Overseas Travel Grant
Publications and research outputs
- Poetics of Deconstruction: On the Threshold of Differences Turner, Lynn. 2020. Poetics of Deconstruction: On the Threshold of Differences. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350128590
- Visual Cultures As Recollection Schmetterling, Astrid and Turner, Lynn. 2013. Visual Cultures As Recollection. Berlin: Sternberg Press. ISBN 978-3-943365-40-5
Edited Book
- Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida Turner, Lynn, ed. 2024. Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781399539739
- The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies Turner, Lynn; Sellbach, Undine and Broglio, Ron, eds. 2018. The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474418416
- The Animal Question in Deconstruction Turner, Lynn, ed. 2013. The Animal Question in Deconstruction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748683123
Edited Journal
- Bon Appetit Turner, Lynn and Kelley, Lindsay, eds. 2013. Bon Appetit, Parallax, 19(1). 1353-4645
- Random Figures Turner, Lynn; Swiboda, Marcel and Simonds, Cylena, eds. 2002. Random Figures, Parallax, 8(1). 1353-4645
- ‘Immanent Trajectories’ Turner, Lynn; Swiboda, Marcel and Simonds, Cylena, eds. 2001. ‘Immanent Trajectories’, Parallax, 7(4). 1353-4645
Book Section
- 'The becoming literary of the clitoral: the inclination of sexual différance after Artemisia Gentileschi' Turner, Lynn. 2025. 'The becoming literary of the clitoral: the inclination of sexual différance after Artemisia Gentileschi'. In: , ed. Repenser la différance sexuelle. Paris: Editions Hermann.
- Resistencia sanguínea: Soñando un futuro para la sangre Turner, Lynn. 2025. Resistencia sanguínea: Soñando un futuro para la sangre. In: , ed. Derridian (In)Politicities. Peripheral Readings of Deconstruction in the Streets. Buenos Aires: Ubu Ediciones.
- Sanguine Resistance: dreaming of a future for blood Turner, Lynn. 2024. Sanguine Resistance: dreaming of a future for blood. In: Lynn Turner, ed. Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781399539739
- Saying Ceanothus: The Indefinite Garden Turner, Lynn. 2025. Saying Ceanothus: The Indefinite Garden. Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, ISSN 1756-9575
- Ray of Light Turner, Lynn. 2025. Ray of Light. Textual Practice, ISSN 0950-236X
- Flair du temps Turner, Lynn. 2025. Flair du temps. A Posteriori(36),
Conference or Workshop Item
- The becoming literary of the clitoral: sexual differance after Artemisia Gentileschi Turner, Lynn. 2023. 'The becoming literary of the clitoral: sexual differance after Artemisia Gentileschi'. In: Rethinking Sexual Differance. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France 22-24 November 2023.
- Ray of Light Turner, Lynn. 2023. 'Ray of Light'. In: Nicholas Royle: A Symposium. University of Sussex, United Kingdom 23 June 2023.
- Sanguine Resistance: dreaming of a future for blood Turner, Lynn. 2022. 'Sanguine Resistance: dreaming of a future for blood'. In: 7th Derrida Today Conference. Arizona State University (ASU) Barbara Barrett and Sandra Day O’Connor Washington Center, Washington, D.C., United States 12-15 June 2022.
Guerrilla Gardening
While my blog is quite outdated - http://guerillere.blogspot.com/ - there is a lot there documenting South London guerrilla planting, about which I have been interviewed by students from various disciplines. My greening practices today are mostly linked with the St John's Society's greening group and the Friendly St Gardens in Deptford.