- “Walk-Back Technology: Dusting for Fingerprints and Tracking Digital Footprints.” Schuppli, Susan. 2013. “Walk-Back Technology: Dusting for Fingerprints and Tracking Digital Footprints.”. Photographies, 6(1), pp. 159-167. ISSN 1754-0763
- A memorial in exile in London’s Olympics: orbits of responsibility Schuppli, Susan. 2012. A memorial in exile in London’s Olympics: orbits of responsibility. Open Democracy,
- Atmosfärisk Korrigering Schuppli, Susan. 2012. Atmosfärisk Korrigering. Glänta, 4(12), pp. 12-21.
- Material Malfeasance: Trace Evidence of Violence in Three Image-Acts Schuppli, Susan. 2012. Material Malfeasance: Trace Evidence of Violence in Three Image-Acts. Photoworks, 17, pp. 28-33.
- “Improvised Explosive Designs: The Film-Set as Military Set-Up.” Schuppli, Susan. 2010. “Improvised Explosive Designs: The Film-Set as Military Set-Up.”. Borderlands, 9(2), pp. 1-18.
- Curse of the Mummy: Oral Affliction or Archival Aphasia Schuppli, Susan. 2008. Curse of the Mummy: Oral Affliction or Archival Aphasia. Memory Studies, 2(2), pp. 167-186. ISSN 1750-6980
- Of Moths and Machines Schuppli, Susan. 2008. Of Moths and Machines. Cosmos and History : the Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 4(1-2), pp. 286-306. ISSN 1832-9101
- Fallet Med De Förlorade 18-½ Minuterna Schuppli, Susan. 2007. Fallet Med De Förlorade 18-½ Minuterna. SITE 18.19,
- “Picturing Place: Photography and the Geographical Imagination (Book Review).” Schuppli, Susan. 2004. “Picturing Place: Photography and the Geographical Imagination (Book Review).”. The Canadian Geographer, 48(4), pp. 505-506.
Professor Susan Schuppli
Susan uses media artefacts in her investigative processes to explore contemporary conflict and state violence.
Staff details

Director & Professor in the Centre for Research Architecture
s.schuppli (@gold.ac.uk)
Susan Schuppli is an artist-researcher and writer. She is currently Director & Reader of the Centre for Research Architecture. Through investigative processes that involve an engagement with scientific and technical modes of inquiry, her work aims to open up new conceptual pathways into the material strata of our world.
While many projects have examined media artefacts—photographs, film, video, and audio transmissions—that have emerged out of sites of contemporary conflict and state violence, current work explores the ways in which toxic ecologies from nuclear accidents and oil spills to the dark snow of the arctic are producing an “extreme image” archive of material wrongs. Creative projects have been exhibited throughout Europe as well as in Canada, Asia and the US.
She has published widely within the context of media and politics and am author of the forthcoming book, Material Witness (MIT Press), which is also the subject of an experimental documentary.
She is an affiliate artist-researcher and Board Chair of Forensic Architecture. Previously she was Senior Research Fellow and Project Co-ordinator of Forensic Architecture. In 2016 she recieved the ICP Infinity Award for Research and Critical Writing.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Cultural Studies & Research Architecture (Goldsmiths, University of London) 2009
- Whitney Independent Study Program 1996
- MFA Media Arts (University of California San Diego) 1995
- BA Fine & Performing Arts (Simon Fraser University) 1991
Prior to teaching at Goldsmiths , Susan was based in Canada where she was Associate Professor in Visual Art at Western University, Assistant Professor at the University of Lethbridge and an Instructor at Emily Carr.
Area of supervision
Susan welcomes research proposals that situate themselves at the intersections between space, politics, aesthetics, and media. She supervises dissertations that are rigorously theoretical yet pursue their research inquires through practical engagements with materials, sites and processes. Whether these are creative projects or emerge out of ethnographic fieldwork they are understood to be the means by which research is pursued and ideas tested.
Of particular interest are projects that examine architectures of media in recognition of the increasing significance that media plays in our access to and analysis of spaces of political conflict. From the micro-scale of buildings and infrastructure to the macro-scale of borders and global flows, space is understood as an elastic medium constantly reshaped by political and mediatic forces.
Publications and research outputs
- Material Witness: Media, Forensics, Evidence Schuppli, Susan. 2020. Material Witness: Media, Forensics, Evidence. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. ISBN 9780262043571
Book Section
- Arguments: Should Videos of Trees have Standing? An Inquiry into the Legal Rites of Unnatural Objects at the ICTY Schuppli, Susan. 2019. Arguments: Should Videos of Trees have Standing? An Inquiry into the Legal Rites of Unnatural Objects at the ICTY. In: Richard K. Sherwin and Danielle Celermajer, eds. A Cultural History of Law in the Modern Age. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 99-128. ISBN 9781474212854
- Should Videos of Trees have Standing? An Inquiry into the Legal Rites of Unnatural Objects at the ICTY Schuppli, Susan. 2018. Should Videos of Trees have Standing? An Inquiry into the Legal Rites of Unnatural Objects at the ICTY. In: Danielle Celermajer and Richard Sherwin, eds. A Cultural History of Law in the Modern Age. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781474212854
- Computing the Law / Searching for Justice Schuppli, Susan. 2017. Computing the Law / Searching for Justice. In: Boris Buden,; Maria Hlavajova and Simon Sheikh, eds. Former West Art and the Contemporary after 1989. MIT Press: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262533836
- “Deadly Algorithms: Can Legal Codes hold Software accountable for Code that Kills?” Schuppli, Susan. 2014. “Deadly Algorithms: Can Legal Codes hold Software accountable for Code that Kills?”. Radical Philosophy(187), pp. 2-8. ISSN 0300-211X
- “Half Truths” Schuppli, Susan. 2013. “Half Truths”. Mute,
- “Probative Pictures: Image Proofs in Errol Morris’s Standard Operating Procedure.” Schuppli, Susan. 2013. “Probative Pictures: Image Proofs in Errol Morris’s Standard Operating Procedure.”. CV93(91), pp. 20-28.
- HEAR: Himalayan Experiments in Acoustic Research Schuppli, Susan. September - October 2021 initial period of fieldwork HEAR: Himalayan Experiments in Acoustic Research.
- COLD POLITICS Schuppli, Susan. 2021-22 COLD POLITICS.
- GEO-MEDIA Schuppli, Susan. 2013-22 GEO-MEDIA.
Exhibition Catalogue
- Le subterfuge des écrans / The Subterfuge of Screens Schuppli, Susan. 2017. Le subterfuge des écrans / The Subterfuge of Screens.
- The Images of War Schuppli, Susan. 2017. The Images of War. In: "The Images of War", Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2017 – 14 January 2018.
- Moscow Biennale Schuppli, Susan. 2017. Moscow Biennale. In: "Clouds ⇄ Forests", Moscow, Russian Federation, 19 September 2017 – 18 January 2018.
- Material Truths Schuppli, Susan. 2017. Material Truths. In: "Material Truths", Site Gallery, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Art Object
- Disaster Film Schuppli, Susan. 2019. Disaster Film.
- Delay Decay Schuppli, Susan. 2016. Delay Decay.
- Uneasy Listening Schuppli, Susan. 2015. Uneasy Listening.
Artist's Book
- Singing Ice: Ladakhi folk songs about mountains, glaciers, rivers, and steams Schuppli, Susan. 2022. Singing Ice: Ladakhi folk songs about mountains, glaciers, rivers, and steams.
- ICE RECORDS: Sonic explorations of the climate records captured in ice sheets and glaciers Schuppli, Susan. 2022. ICE RECORDS: Sonic explorations of the climate records captured in ice sheets and glaciers.
- Community Satellite Station Schuppli, Susan. 2022. Community Satellite Station.
- Unnatural Media Schuppli, Susan. 2017. Unnatural Media.
Conference or Workshop Item
- Shapes of Decay: A Discussion about Art and Ecology Schuppli, Susan. 2018. 'Shapes of Decay: A Discussion about Art and Ecology'. In: Shapes of Decay: A Discussion about Art and Ecology. Tate Modern, United Kingdom 24 APRIL 2018.
- Evidence in 74 million million million tons Schuppli, Susan. 2018. 'Evidence in 74 million million million tons'. In: Evidence in 74 million million million tons. New York, United States April 29, 2018.
- Moving Ice Schuppli, Susan. 2024. Moving Ice.
- Listening to Ice Schuppli, Susan. 2023. Listening to Ice.
- Gondwana Schuppli, Susan. 2022. Gondwana.
Professional Activity
- Consultant to the V&A Schuppli, Susan. 2017. Consultant to the V&A.
- Entangled Matters: Analogue Futures & Political Pasts Schuppli, Susan. 2009. Entangled Matters: Analogue Futures & Political Pasts. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Research Interests
Material Witness
This research introduces a new operative concept — the material witness — an entity (object or unit) whose physical properties or technical configuration records evidence of passing events to which it can bear witness. Whether these events register as a by-product of an unintentional encounter or as an expression of direct action, history and by extension politics is registered at these junctures of ontological intensity. Moreover, in disclosing these encoded events, the material witness makes ‘evident’ the very conditions and practices that convert such eventful materials into matters of evidence.
Through the series of case studies I chart the appearance of a material witness that arises first out of the physical substances of filmic emulsion, magnetic particles, photo-chemistry, metal and dust and then later out of the immaterial realms of bandwidth and code. I track these entities in order to explore the ways in which matter archives and refracts the complex histories of violence in which it is implicated and, by extension, examine the condition of informed materiality that discloses its processing, renders visible the systems in which it is embedded, and activates its political potential.
The crucial role that forensics plays in this research is not that of an investigative technical probe directed towards uncovering the ‘true’ reality-traces and absolute histories encoded by matter as might be the case with the practices of forensic science. Rather its role is that of highlighting what new understandings are required of matter and the processes whereby matter comes to matter discursively, in order for the material witness to overcome its purely legal designation or metaphoric expression and function as an operative concept in its own right: material as witness.